Today I want to talk about an incident that recently happened in our state. I am so infuriated that I hope I can keep it together enough to sound grounded in my thoughts. Its about a mother who left her baby in a hot car on "accident" which led to its tragic death. If you want to read the news article first here it is.
Its things like this that make we wish I had the willpower not to read the news. The events in this world truly blow my mind... I just CAN NOT apply any form of logic or understanding to the situation. What this mother has done makes me sick and it is 110% murder. No one can convince me otherwise.
I believe this because, seven months ago I was lucky enough to give birth to my sweet baby Aria. She is the most amazing thing that has ever happened in my life, and I will tell you there is no way in hell I could ever ever EVER forget about her. Seriously how the #@%$ do you forget you reproduced for a second? What did this woman do, just randomly tap out on life? I'm sorry everyone, but when I'm respondng to these kind of stories its hard for me to keep my language in check.
There are so many things in this situation that are wrong. Lets just talk a little walk through of the chain of events.
1. Mother drops off older kids, and instead of dropping off the baby at day care took her home.- Ok that's normal, but unfortunately its where normal stops.
2. Mom cant drive up to her house because of construction, so she parks down the road. She has a bathroom emergency and runs home to take care of it. - Ok fine except that SHE LEFT HER BABY IN THE CAR AND DID'NT COME BACK!!! Apparently she "thought" she had dropped her off at daycare. Ummm WTF?! Did you actually go to the daycare? No. Do you have magical baby teleportation powers? No? Well then I think its safe to say you didn't drop her off, idiot. The mother goes on to claim this was all a horrible accident because she didn't stick to her usual schedule. Again I have to throw out a WTF? Are you robot? You're really trying to convince me that you're so dim you cant function if your days aren't exactly the same everyday. Lord help us if this is true. I cant do anything besides face palm to that excuse.
I feel entitled to say these somewhat mean things because I too am a mother, I work, I'm busy, I'm tired, an average three hours of sleep a night kind of tired, my husband isn't home often, blah blah blah...but letting my kid die in a burning hot car isn't even a possibility in my life. I will admit all these things take a big tole one me. I am forgetful at times, but my idea of forgetting something important is when I lose my phone, or debit card. I'm so bad with my phone that I have a "find my phone" website saved as one of my favorites. However, I'm not so bad that I could forget the daughter I spent 22 hellacious hours giving birth to, and I sure as hell don't think I went places and did things I didn't. That is a level ten bat shit crazy.
The whole situation is awful, but when we have the mothers sister advocating for her innocence and condemning people for criticizing her and hurting her feelings, it makes me outrageously angry. This woman deserves to receive criticism! She deserves to feel bad! She killed her kid! Everyone is focusing on this "poor" mothers feelings while I have yet to see anyone talking about the baby's feelings. How do you think that sweet helpless baby felt abandoned, dieing of heat exhaustion, crying/screaming out for help to no avail? Even typing that makes me sick to my stomach.
Miss Aria had her six month shots today and that horrible face of betrayal she gave me while I was holding her down brought tears to my eyes. Even something I know is for her own good can make me feel guilty. She is so sweet, and innocent, and helpless. She relies on me to keep her alive. She trusts me above anyone else. I dread doing anything, even if necessary, that would damage that.
If I feel bad for restraining my baby in order to get shots, this mother SHOULD feel bad for the death of her baby. I refuse to tiptoe around to save her feelings, and I refuse to live in a world where it is acceptable to leave your child in a hot car to die if it was an accident. Tough love my friends.
So my question of the day is: Do you think this situation truly falls into the category of accident? If so, why do you think she is innocent?